Now,let's come back to the topic.SBS prom night'2011,is an annual event organized by students of school of business studies in TARC college(KL MAIN CAMPUS).The prom night was held on 28th November 2011(Monday,a public holiday)at sports complex.Some of oo finailist of 2011 were invited to be their costume models,which is me,Joann,reena,sebastian,vincent and junyong to wear the 19th century's costume.
We went there early to do the hair-do and make up.
Vincent Ng's stupid face!haha!
It is a nice place with great environment.
10 of Finalists!There is a projected screen in the middle of the stage.
The performances started.
The Prom King & Queen,Vic Guan and Grace Chong.Congtraz to them!
Near by the ending,abit high because like clubbing.We cant fully enjoy the last part for the night because we lack of alcohol .
Overall,it was a memorable night with for the prom night finalists.I've enjoyed the night with the oo's finalists.This was a rare opportunity to gather together with them.Besides that,finalists of prom night made it so awesome;)
Here were pictures that we took in the event.
Joann & Vincent.
Reena & Jun Yong.
Sebastian,Shibi,John and kmaey.
Alexander,sebastian and me.
sebastian lai and kmaey.I found that I never have my solo picture that night.T.T
END !once again,happy chinese new year.I have to bath now and dinner with my family later;)TATA!